Additional needs for Efficiency

Web Worker Daily recently brought up how some local Internet providers are looking to meter users bandwidth. What this basically means is that you are (usually) given a base amount of data you can transfer per month, then for each additional unit, usually gigabytes, they charge you an additional fee.

If you have a website, you are probably aware of this yourself. You can have so much traffic, and additional traffic creates an additional charge. We’ve discussed in the past how you will want to be careful of your site design as it will affect your charges.

Now, you need an efficient site because not only will it cost you more if you don’t, but it will cost your customers more. And they will not like that. If they start telling their friends it will generate the type of publicity you don’t need.

So make your site fast, cheap to host, and cheap to view.

About Walter Wimberly

Walter is a strong believer in using technology to improve oneself and one's business.