More Browser Updates – Google’s Chrome

About a year ago, Google release their own browser, Chrome.  They been hard at work updating it, wanting to take more of the browser market share. They built a good browser for power users, if you didn't mind not having the extensions you've come to love and expect in Firefox. Well now they are adding some of those extensions as well as other improvements. Read the official release here. … [Read more...]

How Many People Use Other Browsers?

Recently I wrote about a company who designed their website solely for users of Internet Explorer. Most research shows that on a typical day 20% to 25% of all web visits occur with another browser (Firefox, Chrome, or Safari for example). And not allowing your site to be viewable in other browsers, is just like it not allowing a customer in your store because of the type of car they drive. Interesting research is being shown, that more and more users have multiple browsers installed on their … [Read more...]

Would you send away 1 in 5 customers?

What would you do if you found out one of your best sales people was randomly turning away 1 out of every 5 people?  People who might have bought from you, but the salesperson  turned them away because of their own prejudices. Recently I was on a conference call with a client, and one of the services he was using. We were trying to work through some issues  and during the discussion one of the issues that came up was that the services site was designed to run in Internet Explorer only. I … [Read more...]

New finished project

This summer I've been working on several projects with two of them being very large.  Well I just finished the first large project, Our Wedding Circle. Built using an existing framework, so it should be easier to maintain, there is also large sections of custom code and several key updates. The updates, allow for, as all websites should: easier administration to add/update/and disable users, faster searching for users than before, more optimized database structure, and improved … [Read more...]