Additional needs for Efficiency

Web Worker Daily recently brought up how some local Internet providers are looking to meter users bandwidth. What this basically means is that you are (usually) given a base amount of data you can transfer per month, then for each additional unit, usually gigabytes, they charge you an additional fee. If you have a website, you are probably aware of this yourself. You can have so much traffic, and additional traffic creates an additional charge. We've discussed in the past how you will want … [Read more...]

Goodbye Randy Pausch

Image via WikipediaAs a college instructor, I always am interested in two things; learning about how other's have taught, and what should I tell my students if I only had one last class. Randy Pausch delivered the "Last Lecture" after he learned that he'd developed terminal pancreatic cancer. I was able to take away some good teaching tips as he discussed his career, but I was also able to learn more about life. Prof. Pausch passed away on Friday. If you've not had a chance to … [Read more...]

Optimize your site for more users

We've talked in the past about optimizing your web site so it runs a quickly as possible. This is nice of course as no one wants to wait for your pages to load. And with so many people having high-speed internet access, people's desire to wait has gone down. (High speed access isn't a license to triple your page size!) We've also pointed out how Google is using your page load time now as a factor for where to rank your "pay-per-click" adwords ads. Well now a new survey has come out that … [Read more...]

Another view on Web 2.0

In the past we talked about different aspects of Web 2.0 and using Web 2.0 in your business, and how it was being used to give control back to the users of the web, and let people contribute. We looked in the past at things like blogs and RSS feeds, wikis, and forums, as a method of people interacting with the owner, and each other. The video below, shows the "how" (not the "what") the web can be a social medium. Looking at things like user reviews, rating, etc. Social Media in Plain … [Read more...]