So in previous posts, we talked about what the Web 2.0 is (collaboration between people and companies and clients to create a better result) and isn't (a technology or specific tool). We've looked at tools that people have used to implement them, such as blogs, RSS feeds, and wikis. I've not looked at tools like FaceBook, Flickr, or other sites and services which can allow people to access existing social networks. How you use these are similar but different to your own There are only two … [Read more...]
Happy Mother’s Day
I have to admit, I like odd holiday days. I've said hi to both Pi Day (3/14) and RSS Day (5/1). But today isn't as odd. It mother's day (in case you didn't know). So happy mother's day to all the mother's out there. I've been lucky to have a great mom, and marry a great wife who has been a great mom to our two sons. … [Read more...]
Web 2.0 – Understanding Wikis
Image via WikipediaBlogs work great in some circumstances. For example, they work well with a singular person pushing out information and getting feedback. However, the person leaving feed back cannot change the original posting. And there are times when parts of a page need to be edited, and/or new content pages added. Wiki's are a good Web 2.0 method of solving this problem. Wiki - Hawaiian for Quick, although I know not how that relates allows anyone (within reason) to modify, add, … [Read more...]
May 1st – RSS Day
I've waited to post the next article as this news falls so in line with keeping up with Keeping up with other’s blogs. I mentioned using RSS feeds to watch other people's blogs easier. Well someone liked RSS so much, they wanted to promote its use more. Thus RSS Day was born. I have always provided and RSS feed for people to subscribe to if they want. Additionally, you can also get the same information via e-mail if you don't have an RSS feed reader. Just use the bright orange icons … [Read more...]