Keeping up with other’s blogs

As blogs make it easier to publish more information, the process of finding information becomes more difficult. This makes keeping up with the Blogs harder than keeping up with the Jones! Consider one of two options to keeping up with the feeds: Check and read every blog/web site of interest to you all the time (daily), wasting all of your time and energy doing so. Ignore the blogs and use a search engine when ever you need information - but now you don't keep up with things … [Read more...]

Blog Examples in a Website

In the last article, we looked at why you would want to use a blog on your web site. We mentioned that people can either use a blog as their web site, or simply add it in addition to their web site. We even used GM's Fastlane blog as an example of a corporate blog that you may not expect. Obviously GM, a manufacture of cars, is not the technology work horse you would expect when you think of other companies which might blog (like IBM, Microsoft, Google, and others). Obviously, the amount of … [Read more...]

Why use a blog on your website?

Image via WikipediaWhat makes blogs interesting and the most often used form of Web 2.0? Because they are self contained, and allow for existing pages to be edited without knowing (X)HTML, once a theme is created and applied, it can be easy for a non-technical small business owner to work with. You wouldn't buy a new work vehicle without know how it was going to be used!  Likewise, it is important to know how you will use your blog.  Will it be as a traditional blog, for internal use, for … [Read more...]

What is Web 2.0 – Blogs

Short for Web Log, it allows someone(s) to post articles easily, and allow others to respond.Blogs are one of the most common forms we can see for two way communication, because they are easy to establish and use. They also allow the owner/publisher the most amount of control over an area. With many simple platforms and software uses such as Blogger and WordPress, it allows almost anyone to publish articles. In turn, viewers can respond to the articles published, adding their insights, … [Read more...]