Strong Password – a new free JavaScript tool

In the same spirit in which Validator was released in this post, I am also releasing several other JavaScript tools. It has taken a little longer than I expected to prepare them for release. But I wanted to release the tools with good documentation, and several examples. Strong Password has been in soft release since Validator, and now is being fully released. It includes 4 separate examples on how to use and extend the Strong Password tool, including making visual graphs, custom text, … [Read more...]

Validator – Improved Samples

I've updated the samples provided with validator to clearly show the code used on the sample page, instead of making you view the source code. Hopefully it will be helpful to those who are looking to use a simple Form Validation tool. Form Validator is a free JavaScript form validation tool that requires almost no knowledge of JavaScript, just simple HTML skills. … [Read more...]

5 Questions to Ask before integrating an existing Component into your Web Site

I get people asking me about any of the 1000s of free website components and tools that exist all of the time. Sometimes these tools (shopping cart, ad rotator, content management system, etc.) might only provide 85% to 90% of what they need. Other times there might be a fee associated with it, and that is fine too – because when used properly a component can reduce the development time (and potentially cost) of your site. In a perfect world, these components can be dropped them and work with … [Read more...]

What about everyone else?

I recently posted an article about why it doesn't matter if you are a geek when it comes to putting things on the web. Most people wouldn't know what to do with some of the technology that a "geek" thinks of and uses anyway. Case in point: Robert Scoble recently posted an article about "Hanging out with the other 99%". At a recent block party he spent his time trying to explain to people what he did. Most didn't know about blogs, video on the internet, facebook, Linked In, or any of a number … [Read more...]