In a recent article 7 Things I Love About Small Business SEO the author gives 7 things he likes about working with small businesses.
As someone who routinely works with small and new businesses, I have to agree. Generally they can move faster than a large business, are more concerned with results, and are loyal if you perform for them. This is part of the reason why I love working with small businesses myself.
However I would like to offer a few things small businesses must be careful about when working with someone who helps them with their web site, be it as a Search Engine Optimizer, Web Designer, or anyone else.
- Do your homework when checking someone out – then trust them. Often I find people want to second guess the person they hired. I think this is often because many small business owners are used to working with just them. Sometimes you have to let go.
- Communicate your needs and any important dates. I have some friends who did a website for a person. A few days after finishing the site, the person went on a popular nationally syndicated radio show and announced his new site. The server wasn’t ready for that level of influx, and problems ensued.
- Understand your budget. As a small business owner, I understand the budget. Most web local web developers are in the same situation. I know I can’t go out and drop thousands of dollars at the drop of the hat, and you probably can’t either. But at the same time, I know to be honest with what I ask and what I can afford. Many times people want to buy a BMW on a Hyundai budget – and this just frustrates everyone.
If you can do this, then you can get the most out of your business and the work with your consultant.