Image via WikipediaWhat makes blogs interesting and the most often used form of Web 2.0? Because they are self contained, and allow for existing pages to be edited without knowing (X)HTML, once a theme is created and applied, it can be easy for a non-technical small business owner to work with. You wouldn't buy a new work vehicle without know how it was going to be used! Likewise, it is important to know how you will use your blog. Will it be as a traditional blog, for internal use, for … [Read more...]
What is Web 2.0 – Blogs
Short for Web Log, it allows someone(s) to post articles easily, and allow others to respond.Blogs are one of the most common forms we can see for two way communication, because they are easy to establish and use. They also allow the owner/publisher the most amount of control over an area. With many simple platforms and software uses such as Blogger and WordPress, it allows almost anyone to publish articles. In turn, viewers can respond to the articles published, adding their insights, … [Read more...]
Optimize your pages for better Pay-Per-Click placement
I've written about optimizing your site before, but it was in regards on how to optimize your site based upon your usage. Now there are other reasons to optimize your site, especially if you use Google's Ad Words to advertise your business. A little history Google Ad Words was one of the first ways which small business owners could advertise on the web. It allowed you to create small ads based upon keywords which people typed into Google. Users could bid on key words to modify the … [Read more...]
Happy Pi Day
Happy Pi Day (3.14.08) Let's face: it you have to be at least a little bit of a geek to be a web developer for a living. … [Read more...]
An internal error
A while back I wrote about integrating new software and components into your business and web site. I suggested that you pick components that would, among other things: Provide a solution to your problem, Integrate into your web site, and Have good support. Shortly before writing that, had recently added WordPress as the blogging tool I use on this web site. I had choose it because it was a completed tool which was actively maintained by others, and it easily be integrated into my … [Read more...]
Happy Leap Day
photo credit: laurenatclemson Though it comes once every four years I've always had a certain fondness for Leap Day. Although nothing special to me has ever happened on it. Now that I'm in business I have a love/hate relationship. February has fewer days to be productive to earn the paycheck, but leap day tries to give a little back to you. With busy schedules it's like finally get that 25th hour in the day - if only for the month. It serves to remind me that I need to be more productive … [Read more...]
Getting the most from your consultant
In a recent article 7 Things I Love About Small Business SEO the author gives 7 things he likes about working with small businesses. As someone who routinely works with small and new businesses, I have to agree. Generally they can move faster than a large business, are more concerned with results, and are loyal if you perform for them. This is part of the reason why I love working with small businesses myself. However I would like to offer a few things small businesses must be careful … [Read more...]
Measuring Marketing Effectiveness – A Simple Case Study
Web Analytics is often used by marketing staff members to determine their effectiveness. This is a real-life example of how I recently helped a company measure the effectiveness of their internally driven e-mail campaign. A company I work provides training to their clients on the products they have purchased, as part of their on-going support. Before I started working with this company, only basic analytics from the website was tracked. Not even all of the pages were being actively … [Read more...]