We've just launched a new promotional video for one of our clients, Any Occasion Photography. They wanted a video to showcase their wedding photography style and abilities, showing some of their clients. Because of the cost of distribution, a 20-30 second television commercial wasn't applicable. Also a television commercial would hit a broad market, many of which would not be requiring their wedding photography services. Instead, a one minute video was designed, for viewing over the web. … [Read more...]
Avoid a lack of service
I don't get to travel much for my job, and that is not necessarily a bad thing, so when I do, I get to experience all types of oddities. However, today I find myself sitting on the floor, against an pole, typing this article (but not into the website – more on that later), waiting to get on a plane. <rant on> I live in the greater Orlando, FL area and here in town we have a large international airport. Given the heighten security restrictions, I knew I'd have to get there early – … [Read more...]
What does your website do!?
OK - so ask yourself this question: "What is it that your website does for you?" Not "What do you want it to do?", but what does it do! Notice the distinction. Bloggers who blog for other bloggers ask this question all of the time, although in sometimes slightly a different manner.They ask questions like "What is your Blog's Mission Statement"or "If your blog disappeared, who would miss it?" You need to be asking yourself the same question about your website! Often people will go … [Read more...]
New Web Site Denny’s Upgrades
Growing up in Orlando, FL I always got to visit places like Disney World, and Universal Studios Florida. When I was younger, I there were even more, albeit smaller, theme parks around. One of the joys of these parks are the skill games you can play. These were often against a group of people, or in rarer cases individual games. At the end of the game, you received either points or a prize (those stuffed animals you see people carrying around). Unfortunately, some of the companies who … [Read more...]