What does your website do!?

OK – so ask yourself this question: “What is it that your website does for you?” Not “What do you want it to do?”, but what does it do!

Notice the distinction. Bloggers who blog for other bloggers ask this question all of the time, although in sometimes slightly a different manner.They ask questions like “What is your Blog’s Mission Statement“or “If your blog disappeared, who would miss it?”

You need to be asking yourself the same question about your website!

Often people will go through the process of hiring a web designer, building a site, and smiling with glee as the site “goes live”. Yet they never knew, or communicated, with the designer what the site was supposed to do, or how it was supposed to do it.

Just as your business needs a Mission Statement to know its direction, and be able to run effectively, so does your website. Also know, that just as businesses can change direction to go with the changes presented to them, so can your website. Consider the following types of business websites, with an example Mission Statement:

Website Type

(Generic) Mission Statement

Informational To provide information about our business to current and prospective customers.
Customer Support To increase our customer service by providing support to our existing customers.
Affiliate To help our customers find useful products and services.
Sales To allow our customers to order from us on-line.

The question is of course is: Is your website doing what you want? If not you need to find someone who can work with you to develop your web strategy, be it for an informational website that should get people to call you, or to move into e-commerce, or any of the other types of websites.

About Walter Wimberly

Walter is a strong believer in using technology to improve oneself and one's business.


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