Writing for everyone is harder than it appears

Writing posts that is. I’ve been working on several series of topics, such as the
How the Web is like High School, and others. It has taken longer than expected to write what would seem like a simple post, the type of post that shouldn’t require a PhD from MIT to understand. Yet writing about something semi-technical to a non-technical person is not always the easiest thing to do.

While it seems obvious to me, because I am technical, it won’t be to most people.

Yet people fail to keep this in mind all of the time. They write as if they are writing to/for themselves. Never underestimate the worth of a good writer to make your text clear of every day users of your website, not just those who are already familiar with you.

It doesn’t matter what your topic is, as a master of it, you can easily move into using non-standard acronyms, jargon, etc. This will alienate your readers/users and make it less likely for them to buy.

So keep your text clean and simple so that everyone can understand. Then, I always recommend, have someone else who doesn’t understand what you do (friends, family members, people passing by your office, etc.) read it and see if they understand. If they do, then send it on to your web designer.

About Walter Wimberly

Walter is a strong believer in using technology to improve oneself and one's business.